Our virtues

Some well raised timber 

All the wood frames – the simpliest, the big biscuit, the one for vinyles- are made with French timber frome sustainably managed forest .

In addition to PEFC certification, poplar growers and buyers have signed up to the “Thank you Poplar” charter. This membership involves the payment by the buyer of financial aid for reforestation, given directly to the poplar grower, who undertakes to produce under the PEFC label

“Knowing that on average 1 plant will produce 1 cubic meter over 18 years” – says the National Poplar Council – “the rate of replanting has become very insufficient to ensure the future supply of processing industries.”. Poplar reforestation is not systematic, notably due to the uncertain price of wood on an international market, climatic hazards and wood diseases, and competition from faster crops such as corn.

So we say thank you the supply chain and thank you the poplar.

Quality plain papers et cardboards

The cardboard used as the basis of the paper frames is a dense recycled and recyclable cardboard, unbleached and made in Europe. We are eager to signing contract with a French major cardboard manufacturer who produces recycled cardboard of extraordinary quality in France -but it requires industrial volume and storage, so to grow a little more.
The plain paper from the Petits Papiers collection, made in England by a venerable arty chic and century-old papermaker, is FSC certified. FSC certification, for Forest Stewardship Council, ensures that the production of wood and paper complies with a sustainable forest management charter. It is an international certification supported by various organizations for its environmental, social and economic criteria.
The back papers and those used for personalized paper prints and coloring frames are recycled paper made in France, Italy or Germany, for some from food waste  

Fair & Fairy: papers without pulp and without reproach

The papers in the Fair & Fairy collection are handcrafted from lokta bark, a shrub growing in Nepal and India. No need to cut the tree, the bark regenerates in a few years.
Craftsmen also use recycled cotton, sometimes adding inlays of seeds or fruits. The paper is made and then dyed by hand.
The craftsmen then affix patterns, convoluted, extravagant or simply wonderful, designed by the Lamali company, a reference for a long time engaged with Nepalese and Indian workshops for the protection of employees and the application of consistent rules of fair trade, controlled by local NGOs.

Even the plastic is well thought out

Plastic glazing is recyclable in French sorting bins: it is Polypropylene (Sigle 5 or PP) for anti-reflective, made in France, or Polyethèlene (PET, Sigle PET or 1) for crystal new collections.

This material makes it possible to replace the glass with a light, unbreakable and easily replaceable material. The anti-reflective version is moreover scratchproof, therefore indestructible (this is why it is used for frames for children)

Adjustable: small circles in large squares, and more if you like

The plastic sheet is held tight by a golden elastic, which makes it possible to frame any object up to 11cm x 15 cm for the standard format (15cm x 20 cm), or 21cm x 30 cm for the large models.

The frames thus adapt to the majority of art cards, postcards, greeting cards, photos, but also to non-standard formats, such as a gleaned sheet, a cut-out ad, a scribbled scribble…

It takes less than 15 seconds to change objects, and children and clumsy alike can do it without pinching.

Would you like more information, a personalized format or the use of a specific paper? Do you have a suggestion, a design or partnership proposal?

This way: contact@uncadresimple.fr